Are you at risk? Take a self-test
The following questionnaire can help you decide if you have an eating disorder, or if you are at risk of developing one. The easiest way to take the test is to print it out and then check the items that describe you. Then read the explanatory paragraph at the end.
The test and your visit to this Website are anonymous.
As strange as it seems in our thin-obsessed society, none of the above behaviors is normal or healthy. The more items you have checked, the more serious your problem may be. Please check with your physician or a qualified mental health counselor to prevent medical and psychological problems. You could show the person this questionnaire and the items you have circled as a way to begin the conversation.
People do recover from eating disorders, but almost all of those who do, need professional help to get back on track. We know this is hard, and we appreciate your courage as you take the first step by calling today to make an appointment with your physician or counselor.